Thursday 1 October 2009

Prelim Task - 'The Text'

For our Prelim Task, in groups we had to film someone walking though a door & be in a conversation. techniques we were required to use were
Action Match shot
for example when someone walks through the door, the camera zooms up on the handle. then in a new shot the camera is on the other side of the door.
Shot Reverse Shot
This technique is used in conversations
180 Rule
This technique is used for activities e.g football. Its important that you get your angles right.

In my Group there was Matt, Ellen and myself. We made a prelim called 'The Text'. While sitting down as a group, planning our story line and camera techniques we would use, We made notes of what of what we would do. Firstly we decided that Matt would film/direct the film and Ellen and myself would act.

The script of our Prelim Task:
1. close up of the phone (Text)
2. Put the phone away into pocket (Close up)
3. Open the door (Close up, on handle)
4. Open the door, Walk down corridor (focusing on the feet)
5. Medium Close up from a low angle of Ellen on the stairs
6. In the distance, Shanice walk down the stairs next to eLLEN
7. Over the shoulder shot. Shanice says "Are you alright"
8. Over the shoulder shot. Ellen Says "She did it, she actually did it"
9. Behind/Mid Shot. Shanice puts her arm around Ellen
10. Medium close up shot, zooming out into a Long shot with Shanice and Ellen walking away in to the distance (Fade out).

After planning we got filming!
The filming went well and as planned because we worked as a team and followed our script. The type of shots we used were: Tracking, Over the Shoulder, Low Angle & Mid Shot.
The filming went as planned although we made minor changes with our shots. For example when Ellen sits on the stairs, it was meant to be a close up shot but instead it was a Medium shot. Also we found it hard to do some of the over the shoulder shots (in Shot Reverse Shot) because on the stair case there was not a lot of room to go behind the person. A technical difficulty we came across was that we lost some of our work at times and had to re-record it.

I enjoyed this task because once again we had the chance to use the cameras, and it makes me look forward future tasks. Within the group we got along well and made positive contributions to ideas. I got used to the idea that it isn't so much about the story line but the techniques and use of the camera was important.

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