Thursday 29 October 2009

Production Companies

Production companies ( which can be big or small) are always in charge of the development/physical development of the film (or a radio show, a TV programme or performing arts). Some companies take responsibility of raising the funds by selling it to a film studio or showing it at a theatrical venue (an example of a theatrical distribution company is 21st Century Film Corporation, the are also a production company).

An example of a Production Company is Universal Pictures

Universal Pictures is based in the USA although they are located all around America (California).
Its first founder was Carl Laemmle. Universal pictures produce many different genres of films including thriller films such as Jaws. It is very well know for the good production outcomes and high quality films, also by the well known actors they work with.
The film Jaws was made in 1975 and is a horror/thriller film. It was directed by Steven Spielberg. The film became well known and popular for its good production (making all the sharks etc, seem real to the audience). The whole production has been done well including the music, effects and the making of it.

This is an opening video for Universal Pictures.

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